latfa akter
No: 1137
Nationality: Bangladesh
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Muslim
Experience: Has no previous work experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
جوهوما أخطر
No: 1138
Nationality: Bangladesh
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Muslim
Experience: Has previous experience
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1139
Nationality: Bangladesh
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Muslim
Experience: Has previous experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1140
Nationality: Bangladesh
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: everyone
Experience: Has previous experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1141
Nationality: Philippines
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Non-Muslim
Experience: Has previous experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1142
Nationality: Philippines
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Non-Muslim
Experience: Has previous experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1143
Nationality: Philippines
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Non-Muslim
Experience: Has previous experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1144
Nationality: Ethiopia
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Muslim
Experience: Has no previous work experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking
No: 1145
Nationality: Ethiopia
Profession: Domestic Worker
Religion: Non-Muslim
Experience: Has no previous work experience
Available for Booking and Contracting
payment can be made through the Musaned platform after the booking